Saturday 22 March 2014

How can we better our performance?

Basing my inquiry on finding out what makes a performance successful, exciting and entertaining for an audience I have found this article on how to make your performance super. It has naturally occurred to me that I want to base my inquiry on this as my WBL has led me in this direction, I have found that this is a big learning curve for me, contrasting my current second cruise dance contract with my first, I am focusing becoming a better performer with the audience as my goal and target.

Here is a literature example that I am getting to utilise:

Super performance formula

In particular I like the line: 'Truly see, look and take in the world through your eyes as you dance'. For me this fits into being mindful, I like to read and research into mindfulness, I think this is very good practice for everything that occurs in life. Being mindful of everything around you helps you deal and develop into a better person I believe.

I also like the section on musicality, I find that I respond and pay far more attention to the live band that perform throughout the shows, they bring a true depth and rhythm to the show that simply makes me dance with compassion. Listening to the band and interpreting beats really adds a different dimension to your performance. Its good to notice this and use it.

I really like the following quote from the article describing how we as dancers must incorporate ourselves as actors into performance:

 Long experience has taught me that the crux of my fortunes is whether I can radiate good will toward my audience. There is only one way to do it and that is to feel it. You can fool the eyes and minds of the audience, but you cannot fool their hearts.
~ Howard Thurston ~

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