Thursday 21 November 2013

Task 3a: Current Networks

I really enjoyed Reader 3 and the further reading lists related. This module has captivated me so far, I have learnt a lot already about professional networks and that is just from reading the information and researching, it will be exciting to learn through experience whilst we proceed through the tasks of Part 3.

Below are the current networks I engage with:

To begin, we are all one big professional network. It is through this blog network that we are connecting, engaging and affiliating with one another. As the reader explains the definition of a professional network is: 'a work related community held together by common work interests'. We are all currently discussing our interests with each other, building up our professional network and interacting with each other as colleagues.

Facebook for me personally is a large scale network that I engage in daily to perform professional interactions and opportunities. It introduces me and keeps me in contact and up to date with colleagues, future employers and keeps me connected with the wider world and all relevant associates within a workplace environment. As I have expressed in a previous task, I made the decision to sift through my contacts list after completing my cruise contract in September this year. I decided to wipe out all of what I considered to be non-helpful contacts. With each contact I asked myself: 'Is this person going to help me in anyway?' If i found the answer to be be no, then I deleted them. I wanted to engage and let people into my social and working life who would only be beneficial to myself and lead good, positive, successful and productive exciting lives themselves. In turn, this will create and construct a positive environment which I can be surrounded in.

My gmail account works on a similar basis, however it is solely for connecting with professionals and future employers, my gmail account can be used for a social account, but I only use it for professional networking I've come to realise.

So there are my current networks I engage with, however I just thought to add as a past example of my experience with networking; a good few years ago I used to be a part of a theatre critique group in which we would meet every Wednesday. We were connected by the same interest in theatre and live performance. We used to take part in both formal and informal conversations and discussions about the theatre pieces we had just witnessed. This was a very good form of development and a great network at the time.

The established and different ways that others use networks I have seen and discovered are as follows:

Professional websites

Other uses of social sites e.g Instagram and Tumblr that my boyfriend uses to post all his photography on.

Clothing design sites and stores

Billboards and posters to promote workshops and classes

The technologies I use socially that apply and help me develop my professional network is Facebook, in particular 'The hustle' group on Facebook, and the London Dance Programme, and The Stage. The methods I use in order to network are keeping an amicable and good grounded relationship with all people I engage time with. I like to talk about my own and their interests as this leads to learning and possible future opportunities. What I'm already working on and continuing to deepen via my approaches is valuing each person you meet, show respect and support and be genuine. Never try to be who you are not, people around you will suss this out, try to lead your life as you see a morally good and successful life to be. Taking the time out to listen and appreciate is very important. The purpose behind this is building a bigger professional network.

My ideal network would be a wide area network across a broad spectrum. I would make it international and accessible for all. I like the idea of having a really clean cut, original, informative and interesting web site. The steps I could take in order for this to happen would be to work alongside my boyfriend and pay close attention as he starts to create his website which he's due to do very soon. I could learn through trial and error of his own doing about the success of a website. I could also research how to start my own website and seek professional advice. I could research how to do a course or take short sessions to create your website. I could also ask others who have successfully ran their own websites and achieved success.

What I do not know

This is a very important part of our learning, its also hard too, to establish at times what you need to do to further your learning in order to produce success is difficult I find sometimes as if I knew the answers I would be working on them right now. I do know however that throughout this course and spending a month in the states I've learnt and developed a lot. Over the time span of three months I have really developed and found something new, that I can't quite explain, but its a motivation, a positivity, a desire and an interest into life and what it has to offer. How each day can hold something new, how in each day we can progress ourselves. How can we use each day to our maximum and achieve a substantial amount? I've come to realise through this course and through general discovery what an amazing database the internet is, what an incredible, knowledgeable technology we have been blessed with. Via the internet I have progressed and looked into things that will help me and achieve success and further development in dance and the arts/entertainment:

Seen many make up tutorials, so I can make the most of my appearance for professional work.

Experienced amazing choreography posted from around the world.

Discovered a few found genre of music, which is exciting, motivating and makes me think up choreography.

Researched how to produce good photo shoots and how to pose for dance shots- I have now done four photo shoots courtesy of my boyfriend, each shoot showing something different.

Enhanced my engagement, interaction and knowledge of web 2.0 tools.

These are all things I hadn't known before, there is still lots I do not know, I would like to research further into yoga and meditation, the controlling of your life, the success of life, how to work in america and attain the correct Visa, where and if there are any good ballroom/latin classes near me, likewise for gymnastics. I would also like to learn more about cultured dance.

So there you have it, everything I do currently in networking, feel free to comment and give your advice!


  1. Hi Eve

    Whereabouts in America are you? I did 3 months in New York and absolutely loved it.

    I too have found Reader 3 fascinating - and welcome after the struggles I encountered with Reader 2. However the following is bothering me: I haven't quite worked out how to express fully what I mean yet, but Is it really okay to make affiliations and relations only with people who can help you or benefit your future success?

    Many of my friends have nothing to offer my professional life and very little to offer me personally apart from enjoying their company - I don't expect anything from them, I see them when I see them, they have children and husbands whilst I do not, they live in the UK and I do not. But they are still great friends who I value as people and make the time and effort to keep in touch with. We don't necessarily have the same opinions or beliefs but we do share a lot of laughter.

    Similarly I don't set out to befriend 'the right people' within my industry, I befriend the ones I am most drawn to. There are some people who could probably do a lot for my career but I couldn't/would struggle work with some of them.

    With regard to your Gmail account I have done a similar thing for university - I think its a great idea.

  2. Hi Megan

    I was in Florida, Orlando.I would love to train in new york though! Where did you go and what did you do?Aww thats great that you think that way about your friends and unfortunate at the same time that you can't be around people who would challenge or help you in your field of interest.

    Thats interesting that you would struggle to work with the people that would most help you with your career, why is that?

