Sunday 24 November 2013

Task 3c: Sources of information

Sourcing information is extremely important, after all this is what provides us with inspiration, vision and discussion. This plants the base for networking activity.
So how do we seek, gather and organise our information?

In the Connectivism section of the reader it initiates the theory of learning; ideas on organisation and information through the internet as its distributor. From using the internet we can interact to learn , through the internet all functions proceed on the simple principle that people, groups, systems, nodes and entities can be connected to create an integrated whole. There is the theory of Social Learning by Bandura, which proposes that people learn through contact. The three types of networks are as follows:

LANs- this is a local area network, it is accomplished wither through telephone, coaxial or finer optic cables. It helps to reduce costs by allowing people to share local resources.

MANs- metropolitan area networks. This usually spans a geographical area that encompasses a city or country area.

WANs- wide area network, this operates over a vast distance e.g. nationwide.

Social networking sites are a huge part of sources of information and specific to professional networking. The sheer vast number of users in itself creates the basis for worldwide sharing and interaction. The information that is shared on social networking sites is important and so easily accessed. We can view auditions, corporate events and articles all through the use of social networking. The downside to this maybe that the information given out over social networking sites and indeed the internet may be incorrect or false, this could cause problems within the networking community.

The types of sources of information I utilise are:

As I have previously mentioned, I attended a 'Fashion meets Dance' event where there were various posters advertising the event and its details of the evening. I found that information through walking through the street and noticing the posters.

Attending classes, both in formal and informal cases. This could be on a professional basis or a friendly choreography class with an associate, you can always retrieve information regarding goings on through class.

Your existing contacts, both past and previous serve a good basis for tracking and networking. Through connecting once more with past employers/friends and associates of your interests, you will begin to find and source relevant information which can help you.

Through general social events you can source information, being and becoming a socially active person can benefit you in great ways. Having the appetite to just generally be open, friendly and willing to engage with people will lead to good things. Making and becoming more accompanied with friends who have shared or possess similar interests can reward you. Using this tool of sourcing information that myself and others use can lead to organisations, formal and informal meetings, auditions, classes, discounts and never before imagined opportunities.

The extent to which I rely on my subject literature to inform my practice is very significant, I feel my journal is now a valuable product in which my reflection/learning is produced from. The media is also a highly influential part of my learning and source information. I have found that reading articles and watching documentaries has changed my thinking. It challenges my critical thinking more so!

Another form of sourcing information is to sign up to email alerts I do this frequently, for auditions and general information about companies and events I would like to work with.

Things that I have seen that people use to organise their sources is the news. I think I should pay more attention and engage myself into studying the news more as its important to be aware of world wide issues; these will over time effect me. Through could be through the TV, radio or online.

Reflecting and discovering upon what I don't do, I have found that I do not attend enough theatre. I used to attend the theatre frequently due to my mum and dad working and going to see friends in performances, its come to my attention that I don't anymore. I need create something that will spark my will and enthusiasm to attend frequent theatre performances, I need to become more associated with the theatre in order to engage further in the field of professional networking.

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